Portland Road and Driveway Co., Inc. constructs over 250 projects each year, ranging from major arterial roadways to small asphalt repairs, large commercial parking lots to intricate residential driveways. Each project is handled with meticulous care, regardless of type, size and cost.
Over the years, knowledge has been passed down through generations of ownership and employees, allowing us the unique opportunity to slowly expand into different types of work without sacrificing quality. Each type of sitework might look very similar to most people, but they often require very different construction techniques, equipment, personnel, and materials. When building a major roadway it is critical to meet, or exceed, the project construction specifications that usually contain stringent standards for smoothness and compaction. This requires specialized paving equipment and seasoned operators capable of understanding the requirements and knowledge of how to exceed them. When constructing a typical driveway, however, the focus becomes a complex balance of achieving compaction and smoothness while meeting the often elaborate details desired by the owner. This requires not only smaller equipment and their operators, but highly skilled laborers that have honed the craft of paving with finesse.
If you would like to speak with an estimator regarding your project, please contact us at (503) 650-5006 or send an email to estimator@portlandroadinc.com. We would are happy to answer any questions you might have and provide you with a free estimate.